Remix compil
- "Remix compil" is a remastered version of the intro compil 1,2 & 3 by the Black Cats. The three
compils by the Black Cats were available on three 11 sectors double sided floppy disks. This content has been
remixed on four 10 sectors double sided floppy disks (more reliable) with a menu at boot to select the screens.
- As there was space left on the fourth disk, we have put the First Age demo disk image with a writting program.
- When using on emulator :
- when you have to perform reset in the intros that do not end correctly, use warm reset instead of cold reset.
By this way the menu will remain on the last selected screen entry.
- be carefull not to overwrite your remix compil disk 4 when running the First Age demo writer program
- Remix compil was made in 1989 just after the First Age demo
- Original compilation by Doc Prof from the Black Cats
- Intros by many people from the ST scene
- Boot menu :
- Graphix : METAL AGES