Cybernetics crew was formed in 1988 when Brain Blaster and Metal Ages met at the lyceum,
soon joined by Polaris and Bidibule (Chapi') who bought a ST computer.
Then we met Alain, author of a fanzine named "Contact'ST". Quickly "Contact'ST" became an Atari computer
users association (it grew up quickly : at its maximum size it counted 350 members and published 6 releases of the fanzine a year).
Early times
In 1988 : we discover the first ST demos (LCD from TEX, XXX international...).
Metal Ages works on Synthetic Arts 1.0 (medium res)
- In 1989, we produce our real first demo screen. This screen is a challenge for another Atari guy at school...
It is coded in GFA basic 3.0 but features 50hz animations : horizontal scrolltext and other stuffs... Then we
soon produce 3 other screens, a small menu, and a shitty introduction. Everything
is coded in GFA Basic 3.0. All this work is "put together" to release our first demo
- 1st Age at the end of 1989
- Synthetic Arts 1.0 is also released at this time
- Then we meet a cool guy "Void" who is ending his computer science studies : he "gives"
us Devpack 2 and the first clues we need to begin working in Asm 68000. But Void soon move to go ont with his studies in another town. So, we begin to
make some asm routines called by GFA main code skeletons. Our first production using this technique is the "Remix Compil" which is a remix of three intros
compilations by the Black Cats, to which we add a menu
- We also begin to work on a new pixel painter tool 90's Arts
- In summer 1990 (end of August), for the first time we go to the Atari messe in Dusseldorf
- In october 1990, Contact'ST stands at the Forum Atari 1990 at the CNIT - Paris La Défense. We
quickly produce a small "Contact'ST" intro for the Forum Defcon.
We are helped for the sampled sound replay routine by "La garde royale" we met at Contact'ST.
At Forum Atari, we decide to cancel the 90's Arts project which is a medium resolution pixel painter following feedbacks
from a lot of vistors (cool ideas but would better in low 16 colors resolution). It leads us to launch the "Synthetic Arts 2.0" project.
- At the end of 1990 we are joined by two new members Positronic and Storm Light.
Main productions
- Late 1990 -> beginning of 1991 : we work on some screens programmed as a mix of GFA and 68k ASM.
We are also work on Synthetic Arts 2.0 in the same time.
- May 1991 : we contribute to Transbeauce II coding party with our first full asm screen (a flexiscroller).
- June 1991 : we develop a STe GFA screen for the never realised "Ultimate GFA Demo 2". Finally this screen
will be included, far later, in the Plucked Goose GFA demo by MJJ Prod.
- Positronic develops a main menu and we quickly "put together" the screens we have, to make our second demo "New
Stream". We spread New Stream and Synthetic Arts 2.0 at the Atari messe in Dusseldorf in august 1991.
- Metal Ages moves in Paris to go on with his studies in a computer science school. There he meets Nucleus
from HMD and two Atarists who will become two new Cybernetics members, Krag (code) and Bip (musik).
- December 1991 : we are at the Misfits convention II coding party (really great ambiance). Here we meet Joker from the Misfits and Delos from Cyclades.
- End of 1991 : we develop a screen, Liquid Osmosis, for a crew I do not remember the name. Finally this screen will be included later in our Relapse demo.
- We begin working on a full 68k assembler STe demo "Relapse". The goal is to take advantage of the STe enhancements in particular DMA sound and blitter.
- Synthetic Arts v2.02 is reviewed in ST Magazine, and v2.025 is distributed on the cover disk (versions released in 1991 & 1992 are : v2.0, v2.01, v2.02, v2.025, v2.026, v2.4).
- Storm Light works on a graphic tool for kids (Synthy Baby).
- We quiclky code Demolist and a Map Editor for Stof : the One Day Coded Map Editor (RATP was on strike this day).
- We are joined by a musician "Sinis". He develops a samples library manager called "ExoModules".
- We work on Relapse during the whole 1992 year. We present some previews of the screens at the Atari Messe in Dusseldorf 92.
- June 1992 : we optimize Wizzcat STe soundtrack routine to support 50 khz replay on a simple 8 mhz STe.
We put together a really simple muzik compilation named "Digital".
- September 1992 : we publish a small modules player named Digital II (awfull interface but cool sound) using the optimized STe soundtrack replay routine
- December 1992 : Metal Ages obtains his developper edition of Falcon 030 (n°104 ;-) ).
- One week later in december 1992, Relapse is released at Sanom convention where we meet ODC from Sector One.
We are very proud of this demo.
- In the beginning of 1993, Bip, Krag, Polaris, Positronic, Sinis, Brain Blaster buy a Falcon 030 too.
- On april 1993, during holidays, Metal Ages and ODC work on a little true color demo program in asm 68030
for the Falcon Geotech. This program is distributed on Start Micro cover disk.
- May 1993 : we co-organize a small convention near Melun named "Code a Day". Synthetic Arts v3 is released.
We make a little compilation disk of the productions made for the "Code a Day" convention (modules, graphics, boot sectors...).
- June 1993 : ODC and Metal Ages make a demo for "Amie", a computer seller in Paris.
- September 1993 : Metal Ages makes some stuffs for Nucleus demo participation at the Crystal II coding convention.
Nucleus reaches the first place and wins a Falcon 030 with his really great STe effects.
First end
As everybody has less and less time for demomaking...
- January -> May 1994 : Metal Ages work on two esoteric products (one for Falcon and one for STe) for a video production company,
but these projects will never be release...
- 1994 : we initiate a little engine for a game, it will never be achieved
- 1996 : Metal Ages codes a nostalgic STe remake of the screen we produced for Transbeauce II : Flexi Glass ^oo^
- 1999 : we publish the first version of this website
- 2013 : Metal Ages re-plug his STe
- 2015 : Release of Rebirth demo at Sommarhack 2015
- 2018 : Blitsound routine v1 is released
- 2022 : BlitZwav demo is released at Evoke 2022 in Koln. In collaboration with Dok
- 2024 : Loveboot bootsector screen released at Lovebyte party 2024
- 2024 : Relapse HD demo released at Silly Venture 2024